Our History

Located at 30 South Magnolia Avenue, Mathers is a three-story building constructed by Edward Kuhl and James Delaney over 130 years ago. After miraculously surviving the 1884 fire, which destroyed neighboring businesses including The Reporter - Orlando's first newspaper, the building became the home to the town's first local post office.

Later, one of Orlando's premier musicians of the day, Harry Alexander Newell, taught music on the third floor right where we gather today. Afterwards, Dr. James Nixon Butt purchased this building and moved in his medical practice. Then, after hosting Kincaid Carpentry and Johnson Electric, the building was purchased for $26,000 in 1933 and took on the familiar name of Mathers Furniture Store.

In the 1980S, extensive renovations to the building were needed. After rising from the ashes, it was appropriately named The Phoenix Building. Arnold's Grocery Store, the Knights of Pythias, and a drug store soda fountain are also other notable tenants.

Today, beneath the original exposed wood-truss ceiling, our guests add to our building's history of over 140 years. We continue to believe in celebrating our future without forgetting about our past; so together let us make history!